- Samsung galaxy S3 GT-I9300 model ONLY.
- Samsung galaxy Note 2 GT-N7100 model ONLY.
- Samsung galaxy S4 GT-I9500 model ONLY.
- Samsung galaxy S4 GT-I9505 model ONLY.
Before starting :
- Backup your important data first just in case of this process corrupt your data.
- Download and install Samsung mobile driver (Skip this if you already have Samsung Kies) (Link below)
- Download MODEM.tar.md5 file then unzip it only one time (Link below)
- Download Odin3 then unzip it (Link below) Disable the antivirus software, Close Samsung Kies and disconnect any device connected to USB ports on your computer.
1- Run "Odin3" as administrator, Click on PDA button and navigate to Modem.tar.md5 file that you extracted.
2 - Shut down your device and make sure your device is completely off
3 - Put your device into download mode by pressing and holding (Volume Down + Home + Power) buttons
4 - Press Volume up to continue
6 - Make sure re-partition is NOT SELECTED [Very important]
Notes :
- Do not disconnect the cable or turn off the device while flashing
- I am not responsible if something wrong happened to your device (use this AT YOUR OWN RISK)
- Install Samsung Mobile Driver or Samsung Kies if you don't see a sign in Odin (Step 5)
- This process takes maximum 1 minute
- In some cases this won't fix the wrong IMEI or "not registered on network" message
- If your device stuck in boot loop after downgrading, factory reset your device from recovery mode (Vol up+Home+Power)