hotwav venus x14 firmware SP7731 Flash File Read Cm2 unfortunately has stopped Done


Model Name  : sp7731ceb_t13_x164_hotwav_64_4_dt
Model Brand : HOTWAV
Model Device: scx20_sp7731ceb_t13_x164_hotwav_64_4
AndrVersion : 5.1
BaseBand CPU: SP7731CEB_T13_X164_HOTWAV_64_4
Project Ver : T13_HOTWAV_USER_2SIM_64+4_B1_A5_20160813
Model Ext   : Venus X14
[Read Mode] : HSUSB : 0x3000

[FW_READER] : Reading Firmware Now ... 

[Read Ok] : u-boot-spl-16k.bin
[Read Ok] : u-boot.bin
[Read Ok] : prodnv.img
[Read Ok] : sc7731C_CP0_modem.bin
[Read Ok] : DSP_DM_Gx.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_w.bin
[Read Ok] : sc8830g_modem_CP2_Trunk_W15.49.3_Release.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_wcn.bin
[Read Ok] : logo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : fblogo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : thirdlogo.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : oem.img
[Read Ok] : sysinfo.img
[Build Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Build Ok] : userdata.img
AndroidInfo created
Firmware Size : 1930 MiB
Saved to : C:\Users\babu\Desktop\read file\SP7731CEB_T13_X164_HOTWAV_64_4_scx20_sp7731ceb_t13_x164_hotwav_64_4_5.1_T13_HOTWAV_USER_2SIM_64+4_B1_A5_20160813_Venus_X14\
Elapsed: 00:16:26

Reconnect Power/Cable!

Operation : Convert InfinitySC to SPRD PAC [ v1.24 ]

Target : SP7731CEB_T13_X164_HOTWAV_64_4_scx20_sp7731ceb_t13_x164_hotwav_64_4_5.1_T13_HOTWAV_USER_2SIM_64+4_B1_A5_20160813_Venus_X14
Step  #1 : Identify
Step  #2 : Select logic
Select Logic : SC7731
Step  #3 : Processing data
Build PAC
[ADD FILE] : nvitem_w.bin
[ADD FILE] : nvitem_wcn.bin
[ADD FILE] : prodnv.img
[ADD FILE] : u-boot-spl-16k.bin
[ADD FILE] : sc7731C_CP0_modem.bin
[ADD FILE] : DSP_DM_Gx.bin
[ADD FILE] : sc8830g_modem_CP2_Trunk_W15.49.3_Release.bin
[ADD FILE] : logo_480x854.bin
[ADD FILE] : fblogo_480x854.bin
[ADD FILE] : boot.img
[ADD FILE] : system.img
[ADD FILE] : oem.img
[ADD FILE] : sysinfo.img
[ADD FILE] : cache.img
[ADD FILE] : recovery.img
[ADD FILE] : userdata.img
[ADD FILE] : u-boot.bin
Build Ok! Result : 0x0019
Sign PAC ... 
Sign Ok! FW compiled!
Elapsed: 00:00:54

Saved to : SP7731CEB_T13_X164_HOTWAV_64_4_scx20_sp7731ceb_t13_x164_hotwav_64_4_5.1_T13_HOTWAV_USER_2SIM_64+4_B1_A5_20160813_Venus_X14.pac
Death Phone Hang Logo, Done
Blank camera Recovery Done
Blank LCD Recovery Done
unfortunately has stopped Done
Skype - dusto_babu

How To Flash:
1. FactoryDownload/ResearchDownload
2. Unpack ROM and extract File.pac
3. Run ResearchDownload or FactoryDownload
4. Click on "Load packet" and add the .pac
5. Click on "Start"
6. Connect your android device to the computer
7. During the flashing your mobile will restart automatically
8. Finish

Important Notes: Take a Backup of your mobile data before flashing or installing the firmware on your smartphone. As this will help you to recover the data whenever any thing wrong happens to your mobile

Bypass Google Account LG G5, G4, K7, K8, V10 FRP Bypass Done

how to delete/remove factory reset protection FRP on LG G5, K7, K8, G4, Stylo, V10 Google Account Bypass on (Android 5.1.1, 6.0.1). Use this method, if you get the message:"This device was reset. To continue, sign in with a Google Account that was previously synced on this device."
This method was tested on LG G5, G4, K8 but works also on:LG K8 - LG Phoenix 2 (AT&T)LG K7 X210 (Europe); X210DS (Russia); MS330 (MetroPCS); LG Tribute 5 LS675 (Boost Mobile), LG Tribute LS660LG V10 H960A (Europe); H900 (AT&T), H901 (T-Mobile), VS990 (Verizon)LG StyloLG G4 H815 (EMEA), H815TR (Turkey), H815T (Hong Kong), H815P (LATAM, South Africa), H812 (Canada), H810 (AT&T), H811 (T-Mobile), LS991 (Sprint), VS986 (Verizon), US991 (US Cellular)LG G5 H850 (Europe); LG G5 Speed H858 (Taiwan); VS987 (Verizon); H820 (AT&T); LS992 (Sprint); H830 (T-Mobile); US992 (US Cellular); Vodafone
You do this at your own risk! Make sure your phone battery is fully charged!
All your data may be lost, so it's good to do a full backup before Opration.!

S-Color T20 Firmware MT6580 Flash File Cm2 Read


Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 13 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6580
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6580_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCA00 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000
Processing BROM stage
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer   : 0x00FF
BLVersion : 0x0001
PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA ...
Running DA ver.4.2 on BBID : 0x94
eMMC Flash : 150100513858534142067230D066321B
Initialize Memory ... 
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
eMMC FlashIC initialized
[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x15 , OEM : 0100
[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 150100513858534142067230D066321B
[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00400000 , 0x00400000 , 0x00400000
[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000003A3E00000
[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 14910 MiB [eMMC 16 GiB]
DEV RID    : 0xE5974B4A40585E2ED9665BA1FBE763BF
INT RAM    : 0x00020000
EXT RAM    : 0x40000000 [1 GiB]
Boot Ok!

Reading Flash Content now ... 

xGPT : Normalize settings Ok!

Brand     : S-COLOR
ProdName  : T20
ProdModel : T20
Device    : T20
AndroidVer: 5.1
MTKxCPU   : MT6580
MTKxPRJ   : ALPS.L1.MP6.V2.19_BR6580.WEG.L

[Read Ok] : preloader_br6580_weg_l.bin
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6580 / V1.1.2 / br6580_weg_l / EMMC
Android Info saved
MAUI Meta DB saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 1891 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\babu\Desktop\read filr\MT6580__S-COLOR__T20__T20__5.1__ALPS.L1.MP6.V2.19_BR6580.WEG.L\

All done!

Elapsed: 00:07:47
Reconnect Power/Cable!
Skype - dusto_babu

How to Flash Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)

Step 1: Download and extract the firmware on your computer.
Step 2: After extracting you will find the SP Flash Tool, Driver and instruction manual.
Step 3: Install the USB Drivers (skip if drivers are already installed).
Step 4: Open the SP Flash Tool and load the Scatter File from the firmware folder.
Step 5: Connect your Smartphone to the computer using the USB Driver.
Step 6: Click on Upgrade / Download Button in the SP Flash Tool to Begin the Flashing.
Step 7: Green Ring will appear at the end of successful Flash.

Important Notes: Take a Backup of your mobile data before flashing or installing the firmware on your smartphone. As this will help you to recover the data whenever any thing wrong happens to your mobile

Google Account Bypass Samsung C9 Pro FRP Bypass Without PC

Hotwav Venus X12 Firmware SP7731 Flash File Read Cm2


- > Wait phone connected ... 

Phone found! [ 8 ]
Port Opened
InitBoot Done [ 0x81 ] , Ver : SPRD3
Sending FDL
[Info] : If SW freeze here more, than 15 seconds - remove cable
FDL Ready!
Boot Ver : SC7731 Crev eMMC Loader v2.0     
Boot Ok!

Model Name  : sp7731ceb_t13_x164_1_hotwav_64_4_dt
Model Brand : HOTWAV
Model Device: scx20_sp7731ceb_t13_x164_1_hotwav_64_4
AndrVersion : 5.1
BaseBand CPU: SP7731CEB_T13_X164_HOTWAV_64_4
Project Ver : 20161229
Model Ext   : Venus X12

[Read Mode] : HSUSB : 0x3000

[FW_READER] : Reading Firmware Now ... 

[Read Ok] : u-boot-spl-16k.bin
[Read Ok] : u-boot.bin
[Read Ok] : prodnv.img
[Read Ok] : sc7731C_CP0_modem.bin
[Read Ok] : DSP_DM_Gx.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_w.bin
[Read Ok] : sc8830g_modem_CP2_Trunk_W15.49.3_Release.bin
[Read Ok] : nvitem_wcn.bin
[Read Ok] : logo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : fblogo_480x854.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : oem.img
[Read Ok] : sysinfo.img
[Build Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Build Ok] : userdata.img

AndroidInfo created
Firmware Size : 2178 MiB
Saved to : C:\Users\babu\Desktop\hotwav v12\SP7731CEB_T13_X164_HOTWAV_64_4_scx20_sp7731ceb_t13_x164_1_hotwav_64_4_5.1_20161229_Venus_X12\

Elapsed: 00:30:45

Reconnect Power/Cable!

Operation : Convert InfinitySC to SPRD PAC [ v1.24 ]

Target : SP7731CEB_T13_X164_HOTWAV_64_4_scx20_sp7731ceb_t13_x164_1_hotwav_64_4_5.1_20161229_Venus_X12
Step  #1 : Identify


Step  #2 : Select logic
Select Logic : SC7731

Step  #3 : Processing data
Build PAC
[ADD FILE] : nvitem_w.bin
[ADD FILE] : nvitem_wcn.bin
[ADD FILE] : prodnv.img
[ADD FILE] : u-boot-spl-16k.bin
[ADD FILE] : sc7731C_CP0_modem.bin
[ADD FILE] : DSP_DM_Gx.bin
[ADD FILE] : sc8830g_modem_CP2_Trunk_W15.49.3_Release.bin
[ADD FILE] : logo_480x854.bin
[ADD FILE] : fblogo_480x854.bin
[ADD FILE] : boot.img
[ADD FILE] : system.img
[ADD FILE] : oem.img
[ADD FILE] : sysinfo.img
[ADD FILE] : cache.img
[ADD FILE] : recovery.img
[ADD FILE] : userdata.img
[ADD FILE] : u-boot.bin
Build Ok! Result : 0x0019
Sign PAC ... 
Sign Ok! FW compiled!
Elapsed: 00:01:20

Saved to : SP7731CEB_T13_X164_HOTWAV_64_4_scx20_sp7731ceb_t13_x164_1_hotwav_64_4_5.1_20161229_Venus_X12.pac
Skype - dusto_babu
How To Flash:
its a PAC flash file Read With CM2 Box and you can flash it with CM2 box and Spd flash tool .
Open the CM2SPD Tool.
Select CPU Boot Which supports you mobile phone.
Click flash button and Select Pac option.
Browse file which’s name is (SC77xx_FLASH_CONF.pac)
Now click flash button
Plug-in the USB cable to phone to connect it to your PC.
The process will be started,
Wait for a few minutes Till Your Device Restarted.

its Done enjoy

Important Notes: Take a Backup of your mobile data before flashing or installing the firmware on your smartphone. As this will help you to recover the data whenever any thing wrong happens to your mobile

Micromax MM-Mid 8813 Firmware MT6582 Flash File Miracle box Read

Skype - dusto_babu

How to Flash Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)

Step 1: Download and extract the firmware on your computer.
Step 2: After extracting you will find the SP Flash Tool, Driver and instruction manual.
Step 3: Install the USB Drivers (skip if drivers are already installed).
Step 4: Open the SP Flash Tool and load the Scatter File from the firmware folder.
Step 5: Connect your Smartphone to the computer using the USB Driver.
Step 6: Click on Upgrade / Download Button in the SP Flash Tool to Begin the Flashing.
Step 7: Green Ring will appear at the end of successful Flash.

Important Notes: Take a Backup of your mobile data before flashing or installing the firmware on your smartphone. As this will help you to recover the data whenever any thing wrong happens to your mobile

Magnus bravo Z40 Firmware MT6582 Flash File Cm2 Read


Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 5 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6580
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6580_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCA00 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000
Processing BROM stage
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer   : 0x00FF
BLVersion : 0x0001
PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA ...
Running DA ver.4.2 on BBID : 0x94
eMMC Flash : 90014A484147326505074FB035E8137D
Initialize Memory ... 
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
eMMC FlashIC initialized
[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x90 , OEM : 014A
[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 90014A484147326505074FB035E8137D
[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00400000 , 0x00400000 , 0x00400000
[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000003AB800000
[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 15032 MiB [eMMC 16 GiB]
DEV RID    : 0xE5974B4A3D3D1EC3B3709A0958551A0F
INT RAM    : 0x00020000
EXT RAM    : 0x80000000 [2 GiB]
Boot Ok!

Reading Flash Content now ... 

xGPT : Normalize settings Ok!

Brand     : magnus
ProdName  : magnus bravo Z40
ProdModel : bravo Z40
Device    : magnus bravo Z40
AndroidVer: 5.1
MTKxCPU   : MT6580
MTKxPRJ   : ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_MIKI6580.WE.L_P16

[Read Ok] : preloader_miki6580_we_l.bin
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6580 / V1.1.2 / miki6580_we_l / EMMC
Android Info saved
MAUI Meta DB saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 1654 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\babu\Desktop\read file\MT6580__magnus__bravo_Z40__magnus_bravo_Z40__5.1__ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_MIKI6580.WE.L_P16\

All done!
Skype - dusto_babu

How to Flash Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)

Step 1: Download and extract the firmware on your computer.
Step 2: After extracting you will find the SP Flash Tool, Driver and instruction manual.
Step 3: Install the USB Drivers (skip if drivers are already installed).
Step 4: Open the SP Flash Tool and load the Scatter File from the firmware folder.
Step 5: Connect your Smartphone to the computer using the USB Driver.
Step 6: Click on Upgrade / Download Button in the SP Flash Tool to Begin the Flashing.
Step 7: Green Ring will appear at the end of successful Flash.

Important Notes: Take a Backup of your mobile data before flashing or installing the firmware on your smartphone. As this will help you to recover the data whenever any thing wrong happens to your mobile

Vivk A9 Firmware MT6582 Flash File Cm2 Read


Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 13 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6580
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6580_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCA00 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000
Processing BROM stage
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer   : 0x00FF
BLVersion : 0x0001
PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA ...
Running DA ver.4.2 on BBID : 0x94
eMMC Flash : 8801034E436172642034CED180564323
Initialize Memory ... 
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
eMMC FlashIC initialized
[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x88 , OEM : 0103
[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 8801034E436172642034CED180564323
[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00400000 , 0x00400000 , 0x00400000
[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000001CE100000
[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 7393 MiB [eMMC 8 GiB]
DEV RID    : 0xE5974B4ADAAF767A7B0B5E1D949702B7
INT RAM    : 0x00020000
EXT RAM    : 0x20000000 [512 MiB]
Boot Ok!

Reading Flash Content now ... 

xGPT : Normalize settings Ok!

Brand     : alps
ProdName  : full_magc6580_we_l
ProdModel : A9+
Device    : magc6580_we_l
AndroidVer: 5.1
MTKxCPU   : MT6580
MTKxPRJ   : ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_MAGC6580.WE.L_P35

[Read Ok] : preloader_magc6580_we_l.bin
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6580 / V1.1.2 / magc6580_we_l / EMMC
Android Info saved
MAUI Meta DB saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 1556 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\babu\Desktop\read file\MT6580__alps__A9+__magc6580_we_l__5.1__ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_MAGC6580.WE.L_P35\

All done!
Skype - dusto_babu

How to Flash Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)

Step 1: Download and extract the firmware on your computer.
Step 2: After extracting you will find the SP Flash Tool, Driver and instruction manual.
Step 3: Install the USB Drivers (skip if drivers are already installed).
Step 4: Open the SP Flash Tool and load the Scatter File from the firmware folder.
Step 5: Connect your Smartphone to the computer using the USB Driver.
Step 6: Click on Upgrade / Download Button in the SP Flash Tool to Begin the Flashing.
Step 7: Green Ring will appear at the end of successful Flash.

Important Notes: Take a Backup of your mobile data before flashing or installing the firmware on your smartphone. As this will help you to recover the data whenever any thing wrong happens to your mobile

Redmi Note 1s gucci wifi bt error fix

Redmi Note 1s gucci  > Mi Account အေကာင့္ျဖဳတ္လိုက္လို႔ wifi bt error တက္သြားသူမ်ားအတြက္ပါ
fastboot အေနအထားနဲ႔ၾကိဳးထိုးထားလိုက္ရုံပါပဲ

                                               >>> Mi Account Lock Solution Group <<<
တင္ၿပီးသမွ် Post မ်ား
၁။ Xiaomi Firmware ေျဖလွ်င္ႏွစ္ခါေျဖစရာမလိုေအာင္လုပ္နည္းနဲ႔ Redmi Note 3 Pro ( တင္ျပထားသည့္ Video ဖိုင္) (လူတုိင္းၾကည့္သင့္)
၂။ windows 32 အတြက္ mi flash beta (fix not enough storage is available to process this command)
၃။ kate နဲ႔ kenzo မမွားေစဖို႔ (လူတုိင္းၾကည့္သင့္)
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၄။ Mi Latest Firmwares
၅။ Redmi Note 4 , Redmi Pro Bypass Method 4 (Premium)
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အေကာင့္ႀကိဳက္တာျပန္ထည့္ လို႔ရတယ္ ဖုန္းအသစ္ဝယ္လာတ့ဲအတိုင္း ျပန္ ျဖစ္သြားမယ္
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၁၀။ Redmi Note 3 MTK hennessy (Mi Account Lock Remove FW)
၁၁။ Mi Account Lock Remove ဖုိင္မ်ားး
4s,Redmi 3, Redmi3 S/X,Redmi Note 3 Pro, Mi Max, Mi5 , Mi Note Pro
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၂၄။ Redmi 3s 3x ႏွင့္ MI5 တုိ႔ႏွင့္အထက္ Mi အေကာင့္ Bypass 100% (Premium)
၂၅။ Mi Max (Hydrogen) ကို Unlock မလုပ္ပဲ Root နဲ႔ ျမန္မာစာသြင္းနည္း
၂၆။ IMEI , Baseband ရွိတယ္ SIM Card ဖတ္တယ္ လိုင္းမက္တုိင္ပတ္ Software error Solution
(Redmi 4 , Redmi Note 3 Pro , Mi Note Pro တို႔မွာ စမ္းသပ္ေအာင္ျမင္)
၂၇။ gucci=1sct အေကာင့္ျဖဳတ္လို႔ WIFI , Bluetooth Error ျဖစ္ခဲ့လွ်င္
၂၈။ Firmware တင္လွ်င္ Send Configure Command error fix Video (လူတုိင္းၾကည့္သင့္)
၂၉။ Redmi Note 3 Pro (dead fix) Test Point ေထာက္နည္း Video
၃၀။ Mi အေၾကာင္း သိေကာင္းစရာ
၃၁။ Mi Forum မွာ Mi Phone ေတြ TWRP , Tool ၾကိဳက္တဲ့ Firmware ဗားရွင္း ရွာနည္း အဓိကကေတာ့အနိမ့္ေတြရွာဖို႔ေပါ့ Video (လူတိုင္းၾကည့္သင့္)
၃၂။ 4.4.4 , 5.0 , 5.1.1 , 6.0 တို႔အတြက္ Gapp ဖိုင္မ်ားစုစည္းမွဳ (လူတုိင္းၾကည့္သင့္)
၃၃။ bootloader unlocked ေတြ Persist flash လည္းေလာ့ျပန္က်တယ္ဆုိတာ (လူတုိင္းၾကည့္သင့္)
၃၄။ Xiaomi ဖုန္းမ်ားကုိ Sideload Mode ကေန Factory Reset ျပဳလုပ္နုိင္တဲ့ Software ေလးပါ။
၃၅။ Mi 3 Mi4 Mi Note Zawgyi_Installer (No Need Root) (100%) မွန္
၃၆။ Redmi Note 3 MTK Logo လည္​ Dead Format ခ်ရင္​​ေတာင္​/imei ​ေျပာင္​း​ေရးတာ​ေတာင္​ mi lock က်န္​​ေန​ေသးရင္​ ​ေနရင္​
၃၇။ XIAOMI PHONE မ်ား MODELS ခြဲျခားနည္း
၃၈။ Redmi Note 2 Root ၿပီးျမန္မာစာ 100% မွန္ေအာင္ထည့္နည္း
၃၉။ Xiaomi Tool Pro
၄၀။ Redmi Note 2 (Mi Account Remove Firmware)
၅၀။ Mi Pad 2 (windows verison အတြက္) ျမန္မာစာ ၁၀၀% မွန္ + ကီးဘုတ္
၅၁။ Redmi 4 (Prada) Mi Account Bypass Method 4 (PDF)
၅၂။ Fastboot ကေန Firmware တင္လို႔ရမယ့္နည္းလမ္း (လူတိုင္းဖတ္သင့္)
၅၃။ Windows update ေတြပိတ္ထားမယ္ (လူတိုင္းၾကည့္လုပ္သင့္)
၅၄။ Meizu ေတြကို patten or password ျဖဳတ္မယ္ Very Easy
ရႏိုင္မဲ ့model ေတြက m1 note MT6752 M2 Note MT6735
M2 Note MT6753 M3 and M3s MT6750
M3 Note MT6755 Note 6 MT6797T တို ့ျဖဳတ္လို ့ရပါမယ္ (BY Ko Kyawko Ko)
၅၅။ Mi MAX MPT နဲ႔ ဖုန္းေျပာရတာ လိုင္းမၾကည္လင္ျဖစ္ေနလွ်င္
၅၆။ Mi Pad 2 (Android Verison) Root
၅၇။ Redmi Note 3 Pro (Kenzo) Baseband , IMEI unknow fix
၁ႏွစ္စာ Membership အတြက္ ၃ေသာင္း ပါ (Y)
Warmly Welcome (Y)
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(သင္တန္းတခုတက္ရသလို ဗဟုသုတရရွိေစမည့္အခြင့္အေရး (Y) )

istar p9 Plus Firmware MT6582 Flash File Cm2 Read


Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 13 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6580
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6580_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCA00 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000
Processing BROM stage
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer   : 0x00FF
BLVersion : 0x0001
PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA ...
Running DA ver.4.2 on BBID : 0x94
eMMC Flash : 150100513732534D4200C627802F4299
Initialize Memory ... 
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
eMMC FlashIC initialized
[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x15 , OEM : 0100
[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 150100513732534D4200C627802F4299
[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00400000 , 0x00400000 , 0x00080000
[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000001D2000000
[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 7456 MiB [eMMC 8 GiB]
DEV RID    : 0xE5974B4A6598B89D3A36D51BDB5EA1F5
INT RAM    : 0x00020000
EXT RAM    : 0x40000000 [1 GiB]
Boot Ok!

Reading Flash Content now ... 

xGPT : Normalize settings Ok!

Brand     : alps
ProdName  : full_gxq6580_weg_l
ProdModel : gxq6580_weg_l
Device    : gxq6580_weg_l
AndroidVer: 5.1
MTKxCPU   : MT6580
MTKxPRJ   : ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_GXQ6580.WEG.L_P69

[Read Ok] : preloader_gxq6580_weg_l.bin
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6580 / V1.1.2 / gxq6580_weg_l / EMMC
Android Info saved
MAUI Meta DB saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 1528 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\babu\Desktop\read file\istar\MT6580__alps__gxq6580_weg_l__gxq6580_weg_l__5.1__ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_GXQ6580.WEG.L_P69\

All done!

Skype - dusto_babu

How to Flash Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)

Step 1: Download and extract the firmware on your computer.
Step 2: After extracting you will find the SP Flash Tool, Driver and instruction manual.
Step 3: Install the USB Drivers (skip if drivers are already installed).
Step 4: Open the SP Flash Tool and load the Scatter File from the firmware folder.
Step 5: Connect your Smartphone to the computer using the USB Driver.
Step 6: Click on Upgrade / Download Button in the SP Flash Tool to Begin the Flashing.
Step 7: Green Ring will appear at the end of successful Flash.

Important Notes: Take a Backup of your mobile data before flashing or installing the firmware on your smartphone. As this will help you to recover the data whenever any thing wrong happens to your mobile

Alcatel one touch 8008d Firmware MT6582 Flash File Cm2 Read


Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 5 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6583
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6583|6589_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCA01 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000
Processing BROM stage
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer   : 0x00FF
BLVersion : 0x0001
PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA ...
Running DA ver.3.2 on BBID : 0x86
eMMC Flash : 4B00011530305535E40B024DDD50821D
Initialize Memory ... 
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
eMMC FlashIC initialized
[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x15 , OEM : 0100
[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 1501004B355530304D020BE41D8250DD
[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00200000 , 0x00200000 , 0x00020000
[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000000E9000000
[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 3728 MiB [eMMC 4 GiB]
DEV RID    : 0xE5974B4A313B09301F29ADE7388C3476
INT RAM    : 0x00020000
EXT RAM    : 0x40000000 [1 GiB]
Boot Ok!

Reading Flash Content now ... 

Brand     : TCT
ProdName  : Scribe5HD
Device    : Scribe5HD
AndroidVer: 4.2.1
MTKxCPU   : MT6589

[Read Ok] : preloader_jrdsz89_we_jb2.bin
[Read Ok] : MBR
[Read Ok] : EBR1
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : EBR2
[Read Ok] : custpack.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6589 / V1.0.0 / jrdsz89_we_jb2 / EMMC
Android Info saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 1176 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\babu\Desktop\read file\MT6589__TCT__ALCATEL_ONE_TOUCH_8008D__Scribe5HD__4.2.1__ALPS.JB2.MP.V1\

All done!
Free Firmware Without Password
Skype - dusto_babu

How to Flash Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)

Step 1: Download and extract the firmware on your computer.
Step 2: After extracting you will find the SP Flash Tool, Driver and instruction manual.
Step 3: Install the USB Drivers (skip if drivers are already installed).
Step 4: Open the SP Flash Tool and load the Scatter File from the firmware folder.
Step 5: Connect your Smartphone to the computer using the USB Driver.
Step 6: Click on Upgrade / Download Button in the SP Flash Tool to Begin the Flashing.
Step 7: Green Ring will appear at the end of successful Flash.

Important Notes: Take a Backup of your mobile data before flashing or installing the firmware on your smartphone. As this will help you to recover the data whenever any thing wrong happens to your mobile

Samsung Note3 Clone Firmware MT6582 Flash File Cm2 Read


Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 5 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6582
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6582_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCA01 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000
Processing BROM stage
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer   : 0x00FF
BLVersion : 0x0001
PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA ...
Running DA ver.4.2 on BBID : 0x87
eMMC Flash : 45010053454D3034472843956B5AB00D
Initialize Memory ... 
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
eMMC FlashIC initialized
[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x45 , OEM : 0100
[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 45010053454D3034472843956B5AB00D
[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00200000 , 0x00200000 , 0x00200000
[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000000EC000000
[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 3776 MiB [eMMC 4 GiB]
DEV RID    : 0xE5974B4A8268A8ED4AC536C53B2D290D
INT RAM    : 0x00020000
EXT RAM    : 0x40000000 [1 GiB]
Boot Ok!

Reading Flash Content now ... 

Brand     : samsung
ProdName  : ja3gxx
ProdModel : SM-N900
Device    : ja3g
AndroidVer: 4.2.2
MTKxCPU   : MT6582

[Read Ok] : preloader_mbk82_wet_jb5.bin
[Read Ok] : MBR
[Read Ok] : EBR1
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : EBR2
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6582 / V1.1.1 / mbk82_wet_jb5 / EMMC
Android Info saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 748 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\babu\Desktop\read file\MT6582__samsung__SM-N900__ja3g__4.2.2__ALPS.JB5.MP.V1.21\

All done!
Free Firmware Without Password
Skype - dusto_babu

How to Flash Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)

Step 1: Download and extract the firmware on your computer.
Step 2: After extracting you will find the SP Flash Tool, Driver and instruction manual.
Step 3: Install the USB Drivers (skip if drivers are already installed).
Step 4: Open the SP Flash Tool and load the Scatter File from the firmware folder.
Step 5: Connect your Smartphone to the computer using the USB Driver.
Step 6: Click on Upgrade / Download Button in the SP Flash Tool to Begin the Flashing.
Step 7: Green Ring will appear at the end of successful Flash.

Important Notes: Take a Backup of your mobile data before flashing or installing the firmware on your smartphone. As this will help you to recover the data whenever any thing wrong happens to your mobile

Umi c firmware MT6582 Flash File Read Avengers Box


 Reinsert phone battery.
 Battery must be charged.
 Phone must be off with battery inside.
 Please insert USB cable now...
 Detected : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM5)
 Phone detected...Please wait
 Sending DA agent, please wait...
 BaseBand CPU :MT6580_S00
 BaseBand CPU Secure Version : FF
 BaseBand CPU Bootloader Version : 01
 EMMC: (58Gb+8192Mb) SAMSUNG 0x513732534d42
 EMMC FW VERSION: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
 EMMC CID: 15010051373253 : 000000000000000000
 EMMC UA SIZE: 0x1d2000000    
 FULL LENGTH: 0x1d2880000      [7.290 GB]
 Preloader SEC version: 2
 Detecting high speed port, wait......
 If driver not installed, install high speed port driver.
 If not need high speed port, disable it.
 After repeat opperation.
 Detecting high speed port, wait......
 Detected : MediaTek DA USB VCOM Port (COM11)
 Build ID: MRA58K
 Display ID: UMI_C.V3.03_20161230
 Version: 6.0
 Build Date: 2016年 12月 30日 星期五 16:31:15 CST
 Build Date: 1483086675
 Model: UMI_C
 Brand: UMI
 Device: t898w_v1_w_hxgj_dj026w_umic
 Manufacturer: UMI
 Mediatek Version Release: UMI_C.V3.03
 FRP partition: /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/11120000.msdc0/by-name/frp
 IMEI[1]: 863050026608894
 IMEI[2]: 863050026608902
 Dumping Preloader.
 Start dumping flash, this can take up to 1 hour.......
 Start procesing proinfo
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0x80000          - LEN: 0x1000        
 Start procesing nvram
 IMEI[1] from NVRAM: 863050026608894
 IMEI[2] from NVRAM: 863050026608902
 Start procesing protect1 ......
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0x880000         - LEN: 0xa00000      
 Start procesing protect2 ......
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0x1280000        - LEN: 0xa00000      
 Start procesing lk ......
 Start processing boot
 Start processing recovery
 Start procesing logo ......
 Start procesing frp ......
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0x4fa0000        - LEN: 0x100000      
 Start procesing nvdata ......
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0x50a0000        - LEN: 0x2000000      
 Start procesing secro
 Start procesing teksunhw ......
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0xa800000        - LEN: 0x100000      
 Start procesing txd ......
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0xa900000        - LEN: 0xcf00000      
 Start procesing system
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0x17800000       - LEN: 0x86800000    
 Backup cache disabled, we will skip it....
 Backup userdata disabled, we will skip it....
 Saved to : C:\Users\babu\Documents\Android_MTK\firmware_backup\MT6580_S00_EMMC_MRA58K__6.0_UMI_C_UMI_863050026608894_863050026608902_01_21_2017_10_15_25
 Wait untill phone will start charging.
 All done.

Skype - dusto_babu

How to Flash Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)

Step 1: Download and extract the firmware on your computer.
Step 2: After extracting you will find the SP Flash Tool, Driver and instruction manual.
Step 3: Install the USB Drivers (skip if drivers are already installed).
Step 4: Open the SP Flash Tool and load the Scatter File from the firmware folder.
Step 5: Connect your Smartphone to the computer using the USB Driver.
Step 6: Click on Upgrade / Download Button in the SP Flash Tool to Begin the Flashing.
Step 7: Green Ring will appear at the end of successful Flash.

Important Notes: Take a Backup of your mobile data before flashing or installing the firmware on your smartphone. As this will help you to recover the data whenever any thing wrong happens to your mobile

Hotwav Hot5 Firmware MT6737 Flash File Read Cm2


Wait for phone...
Phone found! [ 13 ]
Inital Boot Ok!
BB_CPU_PID : 6737
BB_CPU_NME : [MediaTek] MT6737M|MT6737_S00
BB_CPU_EXT : 0xCB00 , 0x8A00 , 0x0000
Processing BROM stage
Settings for BROM configured!
SecCfgVal : 0x00000000
BromVer   : 0x00FF
BLVersion : 0x0001
PreLoader : Active [ Boot with PL ]
Processing DA stage
DA Select done, will use MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.1624.16.07
Sending and initialize DA ...
Running DA ver.4.2 on BBID : 0x93
eMMC Flash : 460001154D323238161100423BABAF96
Initialize Memory ... 
DRAM already initialized by Preloader
DAgent sent , init HW now
eMMC FlashIC initialized
[eMMC] : FLASH_VEN : 0x15 , OEM : 0100
[eMMC] : FLASH_CID : 150100463832324D4200111696AFA33B
[eMMC] : FLASH_BRT : 0x00400000 , 0x00400000 , 0x00400000
[eMMC] : FLASH_LEN : 0x00000003A3E00000
[eMMC] : FLASH_UCP : 14910 MiB [eMMC 16 GiB]
DEV RID    : 0xE5974B4A83C197ED65FD48B591B664CA
INT RAM    : 0x00020000
EXT RAM    : 0x40000000 [1 GiB]
Boot Ok!

Reading Flash Content now ... 

xGPT : Normalize settings Ok!

Brand     : HOTWAV
ProdName  : full_pri6737m_65_m0
ProdModel : HOT_5
Device    : pri6737m_65_m0
AndroidVer: 6.0
MTKxCPU   : MT6737M
MTKxPRJ   : alps-mp-m0.mp1-V2.84_pri6737m.65.m0_P4

[Read Ok] : preloader_pri6737m_65_m0.bin
[Read Ok] : lk.bin
[Read Ok] : boot.img
[Read Ok] : recovery.img
[Read Ok] : logo.bin
[Read Ok] : secro.img
[Read Ok] : tz1.img
[Read Ok] : tz2.img
[Read Ok] : system.img
[Read Ok] : cache.img
[Read Ok] : userdata.img

[ScatCFG] : MT6737M / V1.1.2 / pri6737m_65_m0 / EMMC
Android Info saved
MAUI Meta DB saved
HWConfig Info saved
FW Size : 2824 MiB
Scatter saved to : C:\Users\babu\Desktop\read file\MT6737M__HOTWAV__HOT_5__pri6737m_65_m0__6.0__alps-mp-m0.mp1-V2.84_pri6737m.65.m0_P4\

All done!
Skype - dusto_babu

How to Flash Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)

Step 1: Download and extract the firmware on your computer.
Step 2: After extracting you will find the SP Flash Tool, Driver and instruction manual.
Step 3: Install the USB Drivers (skip if drivers are already installed).
Step 4: Open the SP Flash Tool and load the Scatter File from the firmware folder.
Step 5: Connect your Smartphone to the computer using the USB Driver.
Step 6: Click on Upgrade / Download Button in the SP Flash Tool to Begin the Flashing.
Step 7: Green Ring will appear at the end of successful Flash.

Important Notes: Take a Backup of your mobile data before flashing or installing the firmware on your smartphone. As this will help you to recover the data whenever any thing wrong happens to your mobile

Regeneration Xiaomi Wiper

Xiaomi ဖုန္းမ်ားကုိ Sideload Mode ကေန Factory Reset ျပဳလုပ္နုိင္တဲ့ Software ေလးပါ။
Password,Pattern က်ေနရင္ ဒီ Tool နဲ႕အလြယ္တကူျပဳလုပ္နုိင္မွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
MI Account ရွိေနရင္ေတာ့ Account ျပန္ေတာင္းေနပါလိမ့္မယ္။
ဖုန္းကုိ Volume Up + Power ဖိနွိပ္ျပီး

ျပီးရင္ Check Now ကုိ ႏွိပ္လုိက္ပါ။

ဖုန္းနဲဲ႕ပတ္သက္တာေတြ ေဖာ္ျပေပးပါလိမ့္မယ္
ျပီးရင္ Wipe ဆုိတာေလးကုိ နွိပ္လုိက္ရင္ Factory Reset လုပ္ေပးသြြားပါလိမ့္မယ္။
ေရးသားသူ – ျဖိဳးခ်မ္း (Regeneration Mobile Service & Training)

istar i-t60 firmware MT6582 Flash File Read Avengers Box


 Reinsert phone battery. 
 Battery must be charged.
 Phone must be off with battery inside. 
 Please insert USB cable now...
 Detected : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM Port (COM13)
 Phone detected...Please wait
 Sending DA agent, please wait...
 BaseBand CPU :MT6580_S00
 BaseBand CPU Secure Version : FF
 BaseBand CPU Bootloader Version : 01
 EMMC: (58Gb+8192Mb) SAMSUNG 0x385750443352 
 EMMC FW VERSION: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
 EMMC CID: 15010038575044 : 000000000000000000
 EMMC UA SIZE: 0x1d2000000     
 FULL LENGTH: 0x1d2880000      [7.290 GB]
 Preloader SEC version: 2
 Detecting high speed port, wait......
 If driver not installed, install high speed port driver.
 If not need high speed port, disable it.
 After repeat opperation.
 Detecting high speed port, wait......
 Detected : MediaTek DA USB VCOM Port (COM32)
 Build ID: MRA58K
 Display ID: WF581MR.JF.IT60.M0.F.GAL1SAG1.B15.0719.V3.02
 Version: 6.0
 Build Date: 2016年 07月 19日 星期二 21:43:15 CST
 Build Date: 1468935795
 Model: i-T60
 Brand: i-T60
 Device: T60
 Manufacturer: T60
 Mediatek Version Release: alps-mp-m0.mp1-V2.34_droi6580.we.m_P16
 FRP partition: /dev/block/platform/mtk-msdc.0/11120000.msdc0/by-name/frp
 IMEI[1]: 358831171584291
 IMEI[2]: 358831171584309
 Dumping Preloader.
 Start dumping flash, this can take up to 1 hour.......
 Start procesing proinfo
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0x80000          - LEN: 0x1000          
 Start procesing nvram
 IMEI[1] from NVRAM: 358831171584291
 IMEI[2] from NVRAM: 358831171584309
 Start procesing protect1 ......
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0x880000         - LEN: 0xa00000        
 Start procesing protect2 ......
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0x1280000        - LEN: 0xa00000        
 Start procesing lk ......
 Start processing boot 
 Start processing recovery 
 Start procesing logo ......
 Start procesing frp ......
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0x4fa0000        - LEN: 0x100000        
 Start procesing nvdata ......
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0x50a0000        - LEN: 0x2000000       
 Start procesing secro
 Start procesing system
 Reading:  BEGIN: 0xa800000        - LEN: 0xc0000000      
 Backup cache disabled, we will skip it....
 Backup userdata disabled, we will skip it....
 Saved to : C:\Users\babu\Documents\Android_MTK\firmware_backup\MT6580_S00_EMMC_MRA58K__6.0_i-T60_i-T60_358831171584291_358831171584309_01_20_2017_02_27_45
 Wait untill phone will start charging.
 All done.

Skype - dusto_babu

How to Flash Stock Firmware ROM (Flash File)

Step 1: Download and extract the firmware on your computer.
Step 2: After extracting you will find the SP Flash Tool, Driver and instruction manual.
Step 3: Install the USB Drivers (skip if drivers are already installed).
Step 4: Open the SP Flash Tool and load the Scatter File from the firmware folder.
Step 5: Connect your Smartphone to the computer using the USB Driver.
Step 6: Click on Upgrade / Download Button in the SP Flash Tool to Begin the Flashing.
Step 7: Green Ring will appear at the end of successful Flash.

Important Notes: Take a Backup of your mobile data before flashing or installing the firmware on your smartphone. As this will help you to recover the data whenever any thing wrong happens to your mobile

Hisense U988 Firmware MSM8212 Flash File

Free Firmware Without Password

Download Here

ROM Phone Hisense U988 - ROM Android 4.4
Official ROM Hisense U988 Version: U988E-2_W1059.6.02.07.EU00_201502041301
ATTENTION This ROM is given for Version 2 " Hisense U988 "
Gapps include – No Rooted
Language support : Multilang

Install ROM :
1 Prepare a TF card ( capacity TF card must be less than or equal to 2G) , first card formatted in FAT format TF
2 unrar the downloaded rom brush , which will be copied to the U988E_2_v1.bin root directory of TF card package
3 confirmed that the battery is greater than 50 %, if the battery is low, please charged
4 TF card into the phone , the battery in the phone. The preparatory work is completed.

1 the phone is off, hold the "Volume + + + VOLUME DOWN button power button" three keys , phone mode upgrade to begin the upgrade .
2 Brush word "OK" after the success
3 simply remove the battery
4 then connect the phone battery , press the power button on the phone to boot. After starting in the phones menu "Settings" – Save and Reset – restore factory settings – Reset phone – all clear content .
5 the phone will automatically restart and recover the state of the factory, the screen saver .
6 success!